Stephanie Kelleher


When Primavera Arrives

I used to believe autumn was my favorite season, but, over the years, spring has come to share this space with its smells of blooming flowers popping from the soil and sprouting from the trees; feelings of rebirth and new adventures; and a fresh dose of creativity. 

The burst of color that descends upon us like night and day rejuvenates my soul. I’ve awakened from a slumber cast in the gray, gloom of a midwest winter.

The last bit of chill in the air is tugging at me, desperately trying to hold on.

At the first sight of spring, I’m whisked away to flower farms and shops, the neighborhood paths, and parks. There I find the buds willing themselves to burst from the earth’s cocoon. 

Color and light begin to fill the days. Palettes of pinks, purples, blues, yellows, reds, greens, and more adorn the tables and the gardens. 

Primavera has arrived.